This will tell you what kind of person is appropriate for you. Don't panic top online dating sites when you admit your feelings. You will want to make sure that his personality is as fascinating as his looks (and that he isn't a weirdo). Put some sticky notes on your shoe then put your leg over your lap so she can see them on the bottom of your shoe. Maybe let him teach you how to throw a football. You never know. If you know her well enough, try a tickle! If you're not comfortable putting your picture up online, avoid overselling your appearance with dubious claims like Sharon Stone look-alike. It's very important to be as honest as possible because it's going to bite you in the butt later on. Take life by the horns and pick that man up! Be nice. At the end of the day it is a bit of luck and a lot of probability. Don't show that you're nervous. Finally, one day you can go ahead and hint your lover that you would want to date someone else. But if you are just getting tired of the long distance and still want to make things work with your partner, there are other ways to handle that. Pearls Set: Very few girls own a pearl set so make sure you add one pearl set to her collection. As great as it would be to meet the one without ever having to leave the house or change your day-to-day routine, that's just not realistic. Show yourself as a guy who trips up now and then but readily dusts off the dirt and keeps on trying until you get to where you're headed. Are you really ready for a loving relationship? You'll go from being seen as humorous to being a dolt, if you're not careful. It would be lovely if family would just be open to the person that they are dating; however, that is not always the case. Talk to this girl and chat on a simple, yet nice topic about: movies, bands, summer vacation, school, etc. Dating sites featuring millionaires looking for dates. This will give you insight into the seriousness of the situation and the steps that need to be taken. If you are out just to have a bit of fun with a bad boy, don't run your other possible good guys away while you experiment with your bad boy phase.
Trubadur / Il Trovatore, Giuseppe Verdi
III nagroda w międzynarodowym konkursie scenograficznym Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera w Mediolanie, Włochy 2011
3rd Prize at the international scenoghraphic competition organised by Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan, Italy 2011



Dyplom w Pracowni Scenografii pod kierunkiem prof. A. Markowicza – Miss Saigon, C. M. Schönberg – na Wydziale Architektury i Wzornictwa ASP w Gdańsku w 2012 r. Projekt ten zdobył główną Nagrodę Scenograficzną im. Jerzego Moskala w dziedzinie teatru – w konkursie zorganizowanym przez Centrum Scenografii Polskiej w Katowicach (2012).

Za projekt scenografii do opery G. Verdiego Trubadur otrzymała III nagrodę w międzynarodowym konkursie scenograficznym zorganizowanym przez Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera w Mediolanie (2011).

Współautorka scenografii i kostiumów do Wesela Figara W. A. Mozarta dla Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku. W Operze Bałtyckiej odbyła praktykę scenograficzną.

Uczestniczyła w wystawach:

Obrazy Przestrzeni, Instytut Polski w Pradze – wystawa towarzysząca XII edycji Quadriennale Scenografii w Pradze, 2011;

Scenografia 6D. Festiwal Nowej Scenografii – Centrum Scenografii Polskiej w Katowicach, 2012;

VizuArt Festiwal Scenografów i Kostiumologów, Teatr im. W. Siemaszkowej w Rzeszowie, 2012.


Diploma at the Scenography Studio, supervised by prof. A. Markowicz at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (Miss Saigon, C. M. Schönberg, 2012). Her project won Jerzy Moskal’s First Scenography Award for theatrical projects – in a competition organized by the Polish Scenography Centre in Katowice (2012).

For her scenography project to Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore, she won the 3rd Prize at the international scenographic competition organized by Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan (2011). Co-author of scenography and costumes to Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro for the Gdańsk Music Academy. She participated in scenographic apprenticeship at the Baltic Opera.

She presented her works at the following exhibitions:

Images of Space, Polish Institute in Prague – exhibition accompanying the 12th edition of the Prague Scenography Quadrennial, 2011;

Scenography 6D, New Scenography Festival, Polish Scenography Centre in Katowice, 2012;

VizuArt Scenographers’ and Costume Designers’ Festival, Siemaszkowa Theatre in Rzeszów, 2012.

Trubadur / Il Trovatore, Giuseppe Verdi III nagroda w międzynarodowym konkursie scenograficznym Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera w Mediolanie, Włochy 2011 3rd Prize at the international scenoghraphic competition organised by Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan, Italy 2011



Trubadur / Il Trovatore, Giuseppe Verdi
III nagroda w międzynarodowym konkursie scenograficznym Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera w Mediolanie, Włochy 2011
3rd Prize at the international scenoghraphic competition organised by Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan, Italy 2011


Miss Saigon, Claude-Michel Schönberg I Nagroda Scenograficzna im. Jerzego Moskala w konkursie  scenograficznym Centrum Scenografii Polskiej w Katowicach 2012 Jerzy Moskal 1st Scenographic Prize at the scenoghraphic competition organised by Polish Scenography Centre, Katowice, 2012

Miss Saigon, Claude-Michel Schönberg
I Nagroda Scenograficzna im. Jerzego Moskala w konkursie scenograficznym Centrum Scenografii Polskiej w Katowicach 2012
Jerzy Moskal 1st Scenographic Prize at the scenoghraphic competition organised by Polish Scenography Centre, Katowice, 2012