Has there ever been a time that you have been attracted to multiple girls at once, and you know that most of them like you? Like I said, focus on your appearance. Keep yourself simple. However, don't be put off if you can't think of something clever or funny. Do you enjoy spending time together for long periods? Show at least one full-body picture of yourself. I hope you win her over! Clean up on the day of the date. How to Ask a Girl Out By Love Letter. At the very beginning, it might be somewhat annoying to your partner to field many questions at a deeply personal level. And when we see things that we dislike in others, it often signals that we dislike something in ourselves. It may make you seem resentful. It doesn't need to be long at first and it definitely shouldn't be complicated or make your partner feel uncomfortable. You can have her sit and lean with her back against you. Make it clear that you're just trying to make the conversation more interesting��you're not actually trying to disagree at every turn. Try and do something funny that always works. This is one of the many erogenous zones that can be found on a woman's body. Hint around if you really feel the need, but don't just come right out and talk about online dating sites it. One who is confident and secure. A very light touch of your fingers gently touching the bends of her arms and knees can be feel very relaxing. Don't bring your annoying, talkative friends around them, because they can be distracting. The stigma attached to online dating is long gone. She might not like you at all. What did you want to be when you were a kid? It's not worth it if he cannot talk to you. Spa: Give her a spa when she complaints about work and needs a well deserve break. Sorry to tell you but men love women who can look after themselves, who aren't needy. This article will help you in deciding what kind of person you want to delve into a relationship with. Give her a fresh bouquet with a hand written letter. Be yourself and don't act fake.

Katarzyna Zawistowska

KATARZYNA--ZAWISTOWSKADyplom z aneksem scenograficznym na Wydziale Architektury i Wzornictwa ASP w Gdańsku (Burza, W. Szekspira, 2003). Od 2003 roku pracuje na stanowisku asystenta w Pracowni Scenografii prof. Andrzeja Markowicza. W 2013 r. obroniła doktorat na Wydziale Architektury i Wzornictwa (Inter| Audytorium. Architektura widowni i  miasto).

Jest laureatką Nagrody Młodych Twórców w Dziedzinie Kultury (2011) i Nagrody Teatralnej Miasta Gdańsk za rok 2011. W 2006 otrzymała III nagrodę w konkursie na najlepszy dyplom scenograficzny zorganizowanym przez Instytut Teatralny w Warszawie.

Zrealizowała kostiumy i scenografie do ponad 20 spektakli dramatycznych, muzycznych i oper.

Autorka kostiumów do spektakli w reżyserii Grzegorza Wiśniewskiego: Maria Stuart (Teatr im. Horzycy, Toruń 2008), Słodki ptak młodości (Teatr Wybrzeże, Gdańsk 2008), Zagłada ludu albo moja wątroba jest bez sensu (Teatr im. Jaracza, Łódź 2008), Persona (Teatr Wybrzeże, Gdańsk 2010), Przed odejściem w stan spoczynku (Teatr im. Jaracza, Łódź 2010).

W Operze Bałtyckiej w Gdańsku zrealizowała scenografię i kostiumy do spektaklu tańca Tamashii (2009) oraz Sen (2011) z choreografią Wojciecha Misiuro, a także kostiumy do opery S. Moniuszki Halka w reżyserii Eweliny Pietrowiak (2010).

Zrealizowała instalację scenograficzną Cykada.pl w ramach rezydencji artystycznej na zaproszenie Hooyong Performing Arts Centre w Korei Południowej (2008). Dwukrotnie wzięła udział w międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej organizowanej przez International Federation for Theatre Reasearch – w Pradze (2007) i w Seulu (2008).

 W latach 2008–2011 konsultant artystyczny Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Zdarzenia im. Józefa Szajny w Tczewie. Pomysłodawca konkursu na instalację w przestrzeni miejskiej Sztuka na wynos, którego trzy edycje odbyły się podczas Zdarzeń (2008-2010). Współautorka koncepcji widowiska plenerowego Teatr na Barce. Miasto Możliwe podczas XII edycji Zdarzeń (2011).

Uczestniczyła w wystawach:

Obrazy sceniczne, Teatr Wybrzeże w Gdańsku – VII Festiwal Szekspirowski, 2003;

• Pokonkursowa wystawa scenografii, Instytut Teatralny w Warszawie, 2006;

Scenografia i Formy Przestrzenne, Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku, 2006;

Wystawa studencka; XI edycja Quadriennale Scenografii w Pradze, 2007;

• Konkurs architektoniczny OISTAT, XI edycja Quadriennale Scenografii w Pradze, 2007

Obrazy Przestrzeni, Instytut Polski w Pradze – wystawa towarzysząca XII edycji Quadriennale Scenografii w Pradze, 2011;

Zmienianie świata? Centrum Scenografii Polskiej w Katowicach, 2012.

Diploma with scenographic annex at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (The Tempest, William Shakespeare, 2003). Since 2003 she has worked as assistant at prof. Andrzej Markowicz’s Scenography Studio. In 2013 she was awarded a doctorate at the Faculty of Architecture and Design (Inter| Auditorium. Audience Architecture and the City).

Laureate of the Award for Young Artists in the Field of Culture (2011) and Theatrical Award of the City of Gdańsk for 2011. In 2006 she received the 3rd prize in the competition for best scenographic diploma organized by the Theatre Institute in Warsaw. 

She designed costumes and scenography to over 20 drama, music and opera performances. 

Author of costumes to performances directed by Grzegorz Wiśniewski: Mary Stuart (Horzyca Theatre, Toruń 2008), Sweet Bird of Youth (Wybrzeże Theatre, Gdańsk 2008), People Annihilation or my Liver is Sick (Jaracz Theatre, Łódź 2008), Persona (Wybrzeże Theatre, Gdańsk2010), Eve of Retirement (Jaracz Theatre, Łódź 2010). 

At the Baltic Opera in Gdańsk she prepared scenography and costumes to Tamashii dance performance (2009) and Dream (2011) with choreography by Wojciech Misiuro, as well as costumes to Halka opera by S. Moniuszko directed by Ewelina Pietrowiak (2010). 

She designed the scenographic installation entitled Cykada.pl during her artistic stay in South Korea upon invitation by Hooyong Performing Arts Centre (2008). She participated twice in the international academic conference organized by the International Federation for Theatre Research – in Prague (2007) and in Seoul (2008). 

In 2008–2011 she was artistic consultant at Józef Szajna Events International Festival in Tczew. Initiator of the competition for urban space installation entitled Take-out art, whose three editions were organized during Events Festival (2008–2010). Co-author of the idea of open-air show Teatr na Barce. Possible City during the 12th edition of Events International Festival (2011). 

She presented her works at the following exhibitions:

Scenic Images, Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk – 7th Shakespeare Festival, 2003; 

• Exhibition following the scenography competition, Theatre Institute in Warsaw, 2006;

Scenography and Spatial Forms, National Museum
in Gdańsk, 2006;

Student exhibition, 11th edition of Scenography Quadrennial in Prague, 2007;

• Architecture competition OISTAT, 11th edition of Scenography Quadrennial in Prague, 2007;

Images of Space, Polish Institute in Prague – exhibition accompanying the 12th edition of the Prague Scenography Quadrennial, 2011;

Changing the World? Polish Scenography Centre in Katowice, 2012.Tamashii-2

Tamashii, Piotr Pawlak Państwowa Opera Bałtycka / Baltic State Opera, Gdańsk

Tamashii, Piotr Pawlak
Państwowa Opera Bałtycka / Baltic State Opera, Gdańsk


Maria Stuart / Mary Stuart, Friedrich Schiller

Maria Stuart / Mary Stuart, Friedrich Schiller


Sen / A Dream, Arvo Pärt Państwowa Opera Bałtycka / Baltic State Opera, Gdańsk

Sen / A Dream, Arvo Pärt
Państwowa Opera Bałtycka / Baltic State Opera, Gdańsk