Take off your top. Make new friends, develop new hobbies/interests and leave hardly any time for yourself. If your humor is naturally sunny and gentle, adopting a dark style will come across as forced. Make faces. Rejection will always be a part of dating, so when you do ask someone out avoid putting too much pressure on yourself by keeping things low key, advises Avgitidis. Keep up on current events, funny clips of comedy shows, or viral internet stories. Don't act better than anyone else. Find a online dating site place. Stop at any sign she isn't enjoying the tickle, and do give her the opportunity to tickle you right back. Make sure this is what you want to do. Ensure it reads like a personal message by mentioning a few things from the person's profile and interests that caught your eye and made you want to get in touch. Tell him if you're shy or quiet - he loves you, so he'll understand! Think of the kinds of things you think are funny, and try those out for yourself. Be sure to always have a cell phone and cash for a cab so that you never feel you have to rely on your date for a ride home. Pick a good spot. Use your own good judgment and common sense! Plus nothing is worse than starting a relationship with lies. Consider using a throwaway email address or one that you use only for strangers. Ask all the questions you can. Just because she got him first doesn't mean that she has what it takes to keep him. Do I say something, or just be silent? Were they kind? Always have a first date in a public setting (restaurant, movie, club, mall, etc.) Only accept drinks served from a bottle or can opened by you or in front of you, or by a third party (like a bartender). Meet their family and let them meet yours. Like mentioned in the above steps. Don't be in a rush to commit; just make sure you're both on the same page. So like my mom always says There is always that special person for the special someone, always. How to Date a Hopelessly Romantic Person When You Are Not Hopelessly Romantic.

Anna Waligórska


Dyplom na Wydziale Malarstwa ASP w Gdańsku (2005). W roku 2003 była asystentką u Andrzeja Markowicza w pracowni scenografii. Od roku 2007 pracuje na stanowisku asystenta w pracowni malarstwa ściennego i witrażu. Jej prace znajdują się w zbiorach Państwowej Galerii Sztuki w Sopocie oraz w zbiorach prywatnych w Polsce, Niemczech, Hiszpanii, Holandii, Luksemburgu, Chorwacji, USA, we Włoszech i na Węgrzech.

Nagrody i wyróżnienia:

• I nagroda w Międzynarodowym Konkursie Galerii Zewnętrznej Miasta Gdańska, 2012;

• Stypendium Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Młoda Polska, styczeń 2008;

• Wyróżnienie honorowe w konkursie o nagrodę Fundacji im. Franciszki Eibisch, 2007;

• Nagroda Prezydenta Miasta Gdańska dla Młodych Twórców w dziedzinie kultury, 2006;

• I nagroda w konkursie Artystyczna Podróż Hestii 2004;

• I nagroda w dziedzinie malarstwa na V Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Działań Teatralnych i Plastycznych Zdarzenia, Tczew, 2004,

• wyróżnienie w konkursie NBP młodym twórcom, Zielona Góra, 2004,

• I nagroda w konkursie Autoportret, Muzeum Regionalne w Stalowej Woli, 2003,

• II miejsce w konkursie rysunkowym Północ-Południe, Gdańsk-Kraków, ASP w Gdańsku, 2002;

Wybrane wystawy indywidualne;

Wystawa malarstwa, Muzeum Narodowym w Gdańsku, Oddział Sztuki Współczesnej,
Galeria Promocyjna, Pałac Opatów, 2004;

Wystawa malarstwa, Porto Praga, Warszawa, 2008;

Wystawa malarstwa, Museo di Opera Guido Calori, San Gemini, Włochy, 2008;

Wystawa malarstwa, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, 2009;

Wystawa malarstwa, Galeria Otwarta Pracownia, Kraków, 2012;

Wybrane wystawy zbiorowe:

• Wystawa w Palazzo Canova, San Gemini (Umbria, Włochy), 2004;

• Wystawa w Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto (Umbria, Włochy), 2004;

Obrazy sceniczne Teatr Wybrzeże w Gdańsku – VII Festiwal Szekspirowski, 2003;

Wystawa Stowarzyszenia Obserwatorium Rzeczywistości, Galeria Tamka,
Warszawa, oraz Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, 2007;

• Wystawa finalistów konkursu o nagrodę Fundacji im. F. Eibisch, Warszawa, 2007;

• Wystawa w Wasserschloss Gereuth, Niemcy, 2008;

• Wystawa pokonkursowa Sport i olimpizm, Warszawa, 2008;

• Wystawa w Erlangen, Niemcy. Polsko-Niemieckie Warsztaty Artystów Plastyków Erlangen-Warszawa, 2008;

Okolice Portretu, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, 2009;

Wystawa Stowarzyszenia Obserwatorium Rzeczywistości,
Grodzieńska Galeria Wystawiennicza, Grodno, Białoruś, 2009;

100 plus 1 pięknych obrazów w Galerii DAP ZPAP Warszawa, 2011;

Obrazy Przestrzeni, Instytut Polski w Pradze – wystawa towarzysząca XII edycji
Quadriennale Scenografii w Pradze, 2011;

• Wystawa projektów przygotowanych na Międzynarodowy Konkurs Galerii Zewnętrznej
Miasta Gdańska, Łaźnia, Gdańsk, 2013.

Diploma at the Faculty of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (2005). In 2003 she was an assistant at prof. Andrzej Markowicz’s Scenography Studio. Since 2007 she has worked as assistant at the mural painting and stained-glass studio. Her works are part of the State Art Gallery collection in Sopot and private collections in Poland, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Croatia, USA, Italy and Hungary. 

Awards and distinctions:

• 1st award at the International Competition of the External Gallery of Gdańsk City, 2012;

• Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Young Poland, January 2008; 

• Honorary distinction at the competition for Franciszka Eibisch Foundation Award, 2007;

• Award of the Mayor of Gdańsk, Young Artists in the Field of Culture 2006 

• 1st Award in Hestia’s Art Journey 2004;

• 1st Award for painting at the 5th Events International Theatre and Plastic Actions Festival in Tczew, 2004;

• distinction in National Bank of Poland for young artists competition, Zielona Góra, 2004;

• 1st Award in Self-portrait competition, Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola, 2003;

• 2nd Award in North-South drawing competition, Gdańsk-Kraków,
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, 2002;

Selected individual exhibitions: 

• Painting exhibition, National Museum in Gdańsk, Contemporary Art Branch,
Promotion Gallery, Opatów Palace, 2004;

• Individual painting exhibition, Porto Praga, Warsaw, 2008;

• Painting exhibition, Museo di Opera Guido Calori, San Gemini, Italy, 2008;

• Painting exhibition, State Art Gallery, Sopot, 2009;

• Painting exhibition, Pracownia Open Gallery, Kraków, 2012;

Selected collective exhibitions: 

• Exhibition at Palazzo Canova, San Gemini (Umbria, Italy), 2004; 

• Exhibition at Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto (Umbria, Italy), 2004;

• Exhibition by “Reality Observatory” Association, State Gallery of Art, Sopot and “Tamka” Gallery, Warsaw 2007; 

• Finalists’ exhibition – competition for F. Eibisch Foundation’s Award, Warsaw, 2007;

• Exhibition at Wasserschloss Gereuth, Germany, 2008;

• Exhibition following the competition “Sport and Olympic Movement”, Warsaw, 2008;

• Exhibition in Erlangen, Germany. Polish-German Workshops for Plastic Artists Erlangen-Warsaw, 2008;

• “Around Portrait”, State Gallery of Art, Sopot, 2009;

• Exhibition by “Reality Observatory” Association, Grodno Exhibition Gallery, Grodno, Belarus, 2009;

100 plus 1 beautiful paintings at DAP ZPAP Gallery, Warsaw, 2011; 

Images of Space, Polish Institute in Prague – exhibition accompanying the 12th edition of the Prague Scenography Quadrennial, 2011;

Around paintings, El Gallery, Elbląg, 2012;

• Exhibition of projects submitted to the International Competition of the External Gallery of Gdańsk City, Łaźnia, Gdańsk, 2013.

Ikona, instalacja / Icon, installation

Ikona, instalacja / Icon, installation