Ask him who won the game last night or whether he wants to go out to eat tonight or see a movie. This does not mean play games with him though. Picture Puzzle: Picture puzzles are available. Every girl is different and as such, things will make her laugh from girls. Here are some tips for successfully dating a millionaire without feeling inferior, coming across as a gold digger, or just plain not enjoying the whole date! More specifically, in addition to being confident, you should know your success (success breeds confidence). Don't expect online dating site instant success. Provided she's laughing and happy about it, all is good. You may want to take both hands and slide them down her sides and onto her hips, gently squeezing. Are you with someone who is captivated by love stories, candlelight dinners, and old-fashioned chivalry? If you do, it risks the following. If you are the nervous type and might stutter or get sweaty and don't know how to express yourself too well, you may want to write an instant message/text. Have your written profile really show your personality, what your interests are and what makes you unique. Give her the freedom to do what she likes and have her friends circle and try to be a part of it so that nothing is hidden. If you're going to make the effort to actually go on a dating site and meet somebody, than you should put a picture of yourself on your profile, Bilotta advises. Decide which one of the options would make you a better person. Lets do your mood, and maybe attitude. This lets the guy know you feel safe around him. The same goes for playing on your phone or reading a magazine when waiting for a friend to meet you at a bar or while waiting for an appointment. It's also important that the picture you choose shows your face clearly, says Bilotta. In fact, pretty much any one-word response is tantamount to conversational suicide - the worst possible example of catching the ball and holding it. If you enjoyed yourself, call her the next day and let her know.

Ewa Sobczak


Dyplom z aneksem scenograficznym na Wydziale Malarstwa ASP w Gdańsku (Yerma, F. G. Lorca, 2009). Zrealizowała scenografie do filmów krótkometrażowych studentów z Uniwersytetu Śląskiego oraz National Film and Television School w Anglii: Zabawy dziecięcePóki wilk syty w reż. Olga Kałagate, Gównojady w reż. Agaty Wojcierowskiej oraz The Patient reż. Weroniki Tofilskiej. Odbyła praktykę w Schaubühne w Berlinie oraz Staatstheater Stuttgart. Jako asystent scenografa pracowała w Staatstheater Stuttgart oraz Ballhaus Naunynstrasse w Berlinie.

Uczestniczyła w wystawach:

Interpretacje, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, 2003;

Przestrzeń: Stocznia, CSW Łaźnia, Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk, 2004;

• Wystawa zbiorowa w ramach festiwalu Back to Beckett Text, Dworek Sierakowskich, Sopot, 2010;

Obrazy Przestrzeni, Instytut Polski w Pradze – wystawa towarzysząca XII edycji Quadriennale Scenografii w Pradze, 2011.

Diploma with scenographic annex at the Faculty of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (Yerma, F. G. Lorca, 2009). She designed scenography to the following short films by students of the University of Silesia and National Film and Television School in England: „Child Games”, „Wolf’s Clothing” directed by Olga Kałagate, „Shit-eaters” directed by Agata Wojcierowska and „The Patient” directed by Weronika Tofilska. She participated in an apprenticeship at Schaubühne in Berlin and Staatstheater in Stuttgart. She worked at Staatstheater Stuttgart and Ballhaus Naunynstrasse in Berlin as scenographer’s assistant. 

She presented her works at the following exhibitions:

Interpretations, State Art Gallery, Sopot 2003;

Space: Shipyard, Łaźnia Contemporary Art Centre, Artists’ Colony, Gdańsk, 2004;

• Collective exhibition Back to Beckett Text Festival, Sierakowskis Manor-House, Sopot, 2010;

Images of Space, Polish Institute in Prague – exhibition accompanying the 12th edition of the Prague Scenography Quadrennial, 2011.

Yerma, Federico Garcia Lorca

Yerma, Federico Garcia Lorca