Send her photos of yourself, from photos to now. More to the point, a person with a sense of humor is definitely the preferable choice for a lifelong commitment over a grouch! Or he might not like getting picked up because it makes him feel insecure-and who wants a guy like that, anyway? Try looking in the following places. How to Be Funny on a Date. Show your personality, don't tell it. If you find her funny, and you're engaged with her jokes, happiness, and laughing, it will show her that you're special and care enough to fall into her rhythm and sense of humor. A date is supposed to be fun so keep it fun. How to Find the Woman of My Dreams. It tends to dampen flirtation or scares off your counterpart. You're not configuring a laptop--you and your future mate are both looking for (or at least open to) someone to get to know and make happy. The moment of transition between a laugh and your conversation is very important. People do make judgments online free dating sites based on initial appearances and it might be the only chance you get to make a difference. Hey there! Where you want to travel. How do you get that special boy to like you, you may think that's hard but it's not. Don't try to build up false hopes; bracing yourself throughout this process could be helpful as interfering with a relationship can really complicate things. Choose words that aren't suggestive or flirtatious. Try not clown around too much. If he really loved you he'd understand what you were getting at. Tired of running into those awkward silences when you talk to your boyfriend? Or just too dull, too quiet, too loud, too macho, too meek, or just not your type? It might sound obvious, but be sure to post a terrific photo of yourself. If you want to find a hot guy at the beach, you need to look around first. If you're not ready just tell him. There are usually one for every day of the week. This article will help you in deciding what kind of person you want to delve into a relationship with. Even a lame pick up line can be endearing if you LOOK attractive and SMILE.
Życie jest snem / Life is a Dream,
Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Eliza Straczycka

Elia-StraczyckaDyplom z aneksem scenograficznym na Wydziale Malarstwa ASP w Gdańsku (Życie jest snem Pedro Calderon de la Barca, 2010)
Do zrealizowanych projektów należą: Scenografia do Kabaretu Limo, Teatr Miejski w Gdyni, 2011 oraz scenografia i kostiumy do opery elektronicznej Solaris w reż. Waldemara Raźniaka podczas festiwalu teatralnego Malta 2008, za które otrzymała wyróżnienie.

Uczestniczyła w wystawach:

Scenografia i Formy Przestrzenne, Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku, 2006;
Obrazy Przestrzeni, Instytut Polski w Pradze – wystawa towarzysząca XII edycji Quadriennale Scenografii w Pradze, 2011.

Diploma with scenographic annex at the Faculty of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (Life is a Dream Pedro de la Barca, 2010) 
Her projects include: Scenography to Limo Cabaret, City Theatre in Gdynia, 2011 and scenography/costumes to “Solaris” electronic opera directed by Waldemar Raźniak during Malta 2008 Theatre Festival (the project was awarded a distinction). 

She presented her works at the following exhibitions:

Scenography and Spatial Forms, National Museum in Gdańsk, 2006;
Images of Space, Polish Institute in Prague – exhibition accompanying the 12th edition of the Prague Scenography Quadrennial, 2011.


Życie jest snem / Life is a Dream, Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Życie jest snem / Life is a Dream, Pedro Calderon de la Barca